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"The pandemic has triggered a psychosis"

Thanks to generous donations, the church in western Congo has been able to improve the hygiene conditions on site. (Photo: Cadelu)

In the fight against the corona virus at the CADELU Church (Association of the Protestant Church on the Lulonga River), the Church President Pastor Bokombe Imboko from Western Congo reports as follows:

"This pandemic has destabilized the lives of our populations and has caused an unprecedented psychosis among them. In addition, Covid-19 has plunged CADELU members into insecurity as they witnessed the closure of churches and schools and the collapse of activities that secured their livelihood. This situation exposes the population as a whole and CADELU in particular to appalling poverty and unprecedented misery. Although Covid-19 is not currently present in all CADELU regions, except Kinshasa, there is an obvious and imminent risk of its spread, given the lack of resources for effective control in the large Basankusu region.

We do not forget that CADELU, thanks to the aid recently received from the UEM, in the order of €6000, has been able to prevent the spread of Corona through awareness raising activities, workshops for church members as well as for the general population, an improvement in hygiene conditions through the distribution of hand washing kits, masks and antibacterial soaps, especially among the weakest and poorest parishioners.

Despite all these precautions taken by CADELU to prevent the infection and spread of corona, there are currently many deaths due to malaria, malnutrition and measles, especially among children. In these cases, the pastors of the CADELU church come together in small groups for joint meetings and prayers to support the affected people in their difficult situation. In our prayers we ask the Almighty for quick relief so that we do not fall into temptation beyond our strength", Pastor Bokombe concludes.

Corona Task Force


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