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Talking about racism and white privilege in the church

The study day 2020 in Haus Villigst took place in compliance with the hygiene rules (Photo: Sarah Vecera/UEM)

"How can we talk about racism and white privilege in the church?" was the topic of a study day at Haus Villigst in the fall of 2020, presenting reflections and concrete measures on how to talk about racism in the church. The agreements reached for a church critical of racism name a number of white privileges within the church and advise, among other things, an implementation of the perspective critical of racism in church training courses and personnel development.

The conference documentation has now been published. In addition to the substantive contributions, the documentation includes guiding questions for further work and the description of initiatives that arose in the context of the conference. The documentation in German language can be downloaded here. Printed versions can be ordered from the MÖWe Office.

The conference was jointly organized by the Office for MÖWe and the United Evangelical Mission (UEM). The next networking meeting will take place on November 2, 2021 in Haus Villigst.

If you would like to indicate interest in further collaboration on this topic area, network with your own initiatives, and/or provide feedback on the documentation, please email Sarah Vecera at UEM or MÖWe pastor Christina Biere, who are interested in cross-state church collaboration on the topic.

Printed copies will be sent free of charge upon request. Contact: info[at]

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