In Wuppertal and Bielefeld, in Dar-es-Salaam, Pematangsiantar and many other places in the world, UEM employees are involved in North-South, South-South and South-North exchanges. As varied as the places where they work are, so are their activities and origins.
In our offices in Wuppertal, Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania) and Permatangsiantar (Indonesia) administrative staff, theologians and other specialists work hand in hand. UEM also sends pastors, development specialists, administrators, peace experts, doctors and many others to the facilities of our member churches.
The exchange always follows the concept of "Global Learning in Ecumenical Perspective". This includes the recognition that we are all on the path of learning together. The assignments are usually for 3 years and can be extended for another 3 years if necessary. The outreach is preceded by an intensive preparation phase in which one is prepared for the outreach and, if necessary, learns the language of the place of assignment. The assignments are accompanied by the colleagues on site and by the UEM team in the respective offices.
We are looking forward to receiving applications from all people with and without families.
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