Pictured is Carine Akure on the graduation ceremony done in Kigali on 18 th November 2022. Foto by: private
Ms. Carine Akure from UEM’s Rwandan member church EPR* has obtained a Master’s degree in Development Studies. She was suggested by EPR for support by the scholarship program of UEM.
For several years, UEM is providing scholarships for gifted students recommended by their respective churches. Thereby, the entire communion contributes to the growth of its members. As usual in UEM contexts, the approval for scholarships is decided by an international team representing all three regions of the UEM communion, Asia, Africa and Germany. After graduation, the scholarship holders continue to serve and work in their churches for the benefit of their communities.
Ms. Carine Akure worked as a primary school teacher, before studying at the University of Rwanda in her city of origin, Huye, where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Development Studies in 2012. Following her Bachelor studies, she started working in the area of children’s and women’s empowerment. She organized mentoring programs and economic capacity building.
During her Master’s studies at the University of Rwanda in Kigali, she specialized in Governance and Public Policy, Economic Development and Social Policy. In November 2022, she completed her Master’s studies with a thesis about “Farmers’ Participation and Development in Promotion of Agricultural Products and Livelihood of Cooperative Members”.
Now, having finished her studies, she is working at YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association) in Nyaruguru District, Rwanda.
Congratulations to Carine Akure on her graduation!
*EPR = Église Presbyterienne du Rwanda (Presbyterian Church in Rwanda)
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