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The UEM Prayer Alert presents current prayer requests from the member churches of UEM. It informs about events and situations from the perspective of our local brothers and sisters in faith and invites prayer in a worldwide community. The Prayer Alert appears irregularly, as required on Facebook and Instagram and by e-mail.

Here you can subscribe to the UEM Prayer Alert by e-mail: gospel[at]


Do you have a prayer request? Then send us a message to: gospel[at]

Prayer Alerts 2024

  • Player Alert - August, 26, 2024

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    Today we ask your prayer for Germany with the following statement from the UEM Management Team:

    On Friday in Solingen (neighbor City of Wuppertal), the nightmare of any free and pluralistic society became reality when an individual indiscriminately attacked people with a knife, killing three, injuring many, and traumatizing countless others. Like most of us, we are stunned and at a loss for words, feeling grief and anger without knowing the right words to express it. In our shock and our search for how to cope with this, we also believe that it's important to allow ourselves to experience these feelings before rushing to find solutions, before hastily categorizing and labeling people as good or bad, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

    What worries us is that this is already happening — in certain right wing media, in politics, and most prominently in the comment sections of social media. People with migration backgrounds, refugees, and especially Muslims are coming under generalized scrutiny. A man who migrated from Iran many years ago said at a memorial event in Solingen on Saturday that he is in complete shock because an Iranian friend of his was one of the victims of the attack. At the same time, he fears being subjected to blanket prejudgment by those around him and in daily life. This fear adds to his grief and anger.

    Grief and anger must not turn into hatred. Grief and anger must not lead us to stop thinking and empathizing. That’s why we urge all our UEM employees and those who are close to us at UEM to stay vigilant and to reflect critically on the often simplistic answers that arise. "Where words fail, perhaps gestures do not," said City Dean Rev. Mohr on Saturday in Solingen. Even in grief and anger, we can contribute to covering this world and society with love — perhaps now more than ever! We call on everyone to remain engaged in conversation and, where necessary, to introduce different perspectives into the dialogue.

    Let us help ensure that society does not become divided, but rather that we, as Christians, are the glue that binds, holds together, and spreads hope and love.

    The UEM Management-Team


    Please join us in prayer:

    God of peace, God of love,

    We call out to you.

    Powers of hatred and division are growing so strong in Germany.

    Let your peace flow like a river in this country.

    Strengthen all those who work for reconciliation and justice.

    Strengthen your church to be a peacemaker.

    Let not evil win!

    In the name of our brother Jesus Christ who made peace for all,


  • Player Alert - February, 27, 2024

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    We received this prayer alert from Rev. Prof. Dr. Jonathan Kavusa Kivatsi, the President of CBCA:

    Since the end of January 2024, the M23 rebel group has intensified their fight to the west of Goma, in a city called Sake, 27 km away from Goma. Two bombs have been sent towards the Goma Airport, only 5 km away from the headquarters of the CBCA in Goma. More than 600,000 people have found refuge in the nine large camps in Goma and bordering the city.

    Cases of women being sexually abused inside the overcrowded camps have been detected, while pregnant and breastfeeding ladies are helpless. This has made many people to relocate and find safety and refuge in the facilities of churches, one of which is CBCA. …

    The Camp in CBCA Mugunga parish called “Lake vert/CBCA camp” is expanding quickly and the CBCA is almost exhausted. Mugunga parish, school ground, and classrooms are all full of displaced persons who are living in desperate conditions. Now, the CBCA camp has recorded 7,000 households, with each family consisting of 6 to 8 members.  …

    Plus, together with the Red Cross, CBCA offers free of charge surgery treatment for any gunshot wounds in CBCA Bethesda Hospital, Goma. The hospital is overwhelmed with wounded soldiers and helpless wounded normal citizen. We expect prayer support and advocacy for peace in this region. Any support to alleviate this misery is also welcome.


    Please pray with us:

    God of peace,

    Hear the cry of your children in Goma and Eastern Congo.

    Listen to the shouts for help of the refugees.

    Look down upon the suffering of so many people.

    We pray for peace.

    We need you to act:

    Change the hearts of the fighters so that they lay down their weapons.

    Change the hearts of the politicians so that they will seek ways of peace.

    Strengthen those who have a vision of peaceful living together.

    Strengthen the church workers and members who help the refugees.

    We pray in the name of our Lord and Brother Jesus Christ who in his body made peace for the whole world.


  • Player Alert - February, 19, 2024

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we have received prayer requests from two of our member churches:


    1. A market place of Kigeme refugee camps went on fire - near the Anglican Church of Rwanda (EAR):

    Bishop Assiel Musabyimana of the Anglican Church of Rwanda (EAR), Kigeme Diocese shared the sad news that the market place of Kigeme refugee camp 5 was on fire. “In the midnight of February 17, 2024, from 01h30, close to the EAR Kigeme Diocese, specifically in the market of Kigeme refugee camp, we faced a strong fire accident which burnt everything: Shops and different kinds of goods. The affected population tried to escape the accident. Some of them are traumatized and all their properties and goods were totally burnt. The community in Kigeme supported by the Police and soldiers intervened to stop the fire. About 250 people were daily active in the small trades to be able to support their families in the refugee camps”.

    We continue praying God to intervene by giving peace and comfort to the population in need, particularly those who have been affected by the fire accident.


    2. Panic at the Goma International airport, Eastern DRC - near the Baptist Church in Central Africa (CBCA):

    As confirmed by the President of the Baptist Church in Central Africa (CBCA), the Rév. Dr Jonathan KAVUSA KIVATSI, the local newspaper “Labeur Info” reported:

    “In Goma, DRC, the news of a bomb explosion at Goma international airport is making headlines. Since very early in the morning of this Saturday, February 17, 2024, two bombs exploded around 2:00 a.m. Around the airport, residents of the neighbourhood near Goma airport shared to have heard the bombs’ explosion.” M23 rebel group has intensified fight in Sake, a city located at 27 km west of Goma, resulting in the displacement of thousands of people towards Goma. CBCA has been on the frontline to provide first help to the internal displaced people (IDP). Schools and church building of CBCA are used as shelters for IDPs. There is a great need of water/sanitation, food and primary medical care.

    Let us pray to God to continue protecting the whole suffering population in need in Goma, in the East of the DRC and other areas.

  • Player Alert - January, 19, 2024

    Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

    Today we ask you to pray for all people in Germany. In the last days, shocking reports have been published about right wing extremists who plan to take power in Germany. They want to deport a large portion of German society that do not fit into their racist world view.

    There is resistance rising against them, but for how long will this resistance last? We know, racists are planning on the long term. So if the resistance against them is only short term, what good is it?

    We see that at the same time as these racist extremists are revealed in public, the German government is making laws that could be written by these very extremists. People in Germany are asking: What is the difference between these extremists and our government?

    Then again, churches in Germany look at themselves and see so much racism in their history and present: their racism often isn’t aggressive, it is friendly, smiling, but it is racism none the less. There is much to do, in Germany, in society, in the churches.


    Because of this, we ask you to join us in prayer:

    God of light and truth, we ask you to be with the people in Germany.

    Take away any barriers to your grace that cause division among them.

    Give light, hope and strength to those who are struggling. We ask you to give spaces of love and power to those against whom this evil is directed.

    We also pray for all right-wing extremists and for all who plan to vote for their party, since you asked us to pray for them: Bless them and their families, give them health and joy in their lives. But take away prejudice, hatred and violence from their hearts. Bring them into the community for which you have created your children and let them repent and return from their ways of evil.

    In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.


Prayer Alerts 2023

  • Player Alert-December,20,2023

    Dear brothers and sisters!

    We ask you to pray for the Democratic Republic Congo especially today, as UEM Council member Henriette Kavuo Malinyota, CBCA, asked us:

    “Shalom, we need your support in prayer for the elections in our country (DRC) that will take place today December 20th 2023.”

    As we approach the Christmas season, we want to thank you for your continuous support in praying for all the people we brought to your attention during this year 2023. Together, we have supported the UEM members in Africa and Asia in difficult times caused by natural disasters, war and armed conflicts and Human Rights violation, but we also joined in thanksgiving for different celebrations.

    We wish all of you a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024.

    Let us pray together:

    Prince of Peace,

    We read the news of war in so many parts of the world.

    But you, the Messiah, have come to bring peace, Shalom.

    We celebrate your birth into this world of war.

    We dream of a world where guns are made into plowshares.

    We dream of a world where children can play without fear.

    Prince of Peace: We wait for you. We wait for you to fulfill what you promised. We wait for your peace on earth.


  • Player Alert-December,12,2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    Yesterday, we received news from our member church CDCC (Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo) in the Equateur Region of the DR Congo:

    There has been severe flooding of the Congo and several tributary rivers in the Ngiri, Ubangi, Ingende, Bolenge and Mbandaka area.

    Many people in these five areas have become homeless as houses, schools and churches were inundated or swept away by the water. Schools which were supposed to hold exams this weeks are no longer functioning. Many people have fled to higher areas and have found shelter with friends or extended family waiting for further support. Several health centers also had to close which means that there is now very limited access to basic health care. There is also the fear that with so many people living in difficult hygienic conditions, infectious diseases may spread, endangering children and women in particular.

    CDCC sent these statistics:

    • 4 dead, 150 missing and 7 injured in Bolenge and Mbandaka alone.

    • More than 230,000 people affected.

    • Crop fields and farms completely destroyed.

    • National roads remain unaccessible.

    • The use of boats which are the main mode of transport in the area remains highly insecure.

    Please join us in prayer for the victims and for the rescue teams.

  • Player Alert-December, 7,2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    The CBCA is still in need of solidarity prayer for internally displaced populations fleeing the hostilities in Masisi, one of the East-Congo zones torn by the war. From last October, this war in which the rebel organization M23-RDF opposes the regular Congolese army has caused new waves of population displacements from Masisi to Goma, especially in the refugee camps of Rusayo2 and Bulengo.

    After the long way on foot, people fleeing to Goma reach their destination without important assets for their life and then look on the church and humanitarian organizations for  assistance.

    Yesterday, December 6th, 2023, CBCA (being among organizations actively committed in the humanitarian work in the east of Congo)  got updated information from her grassroot parishes and from the UN-OCHA (North-Kivu office for the  coordination of Humanitarian affairs)  on the ongoing war and related hostilities on the civilian  population in the combat zone of Masisi.  

    In brief, from October 2023, at least 29,800 people from 5,960 households fled insecurity and arrived in Goma where they expect to be protected (3,800 families in Bulengo and 2,160 in Rusayo2).

    During the two last days of this week, around 825 additional people from 165 households arrived  in Bulengo  in a context of very acute vulnerability. The majority are women, girls and children. Those refugees urgently need shelter, food, medicines and essential household items (EHI).

    At their arrival, the camp manager hosted all of them in a hangar built by IOM for 50 only households. Such overcrowding allows no dignity and little possibility for sleep, exposing the women and girls to the risk of gender based violence and the children to illnesses as the weather is cold and rainy.

    The CBCA asks brothers and sisters to support these God’s people in prayer, imploring God for peace so that these women, girls, children and men can recover humanly acceptable living conditions.

    From Safari Kanyena, the CBCA, Coordinator for Partnership and Humanitarian Affairs.

  • Player Alert -December, 6,2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    From the HKBP; Indonesia, we have received official information about the disasters happened in the Samosir and Humbang Regency and request for support also in prayer.

    The areas which are experiencing disaster are as follows:

    1. On November 13th, 2023, there was a flash flood in Sihotang-Samosir which caused death of 2 people, and 300 families whose houses were submerged in floods resulting in moderate, light and heavy damage, 1 Unit of the Sihotang 2 SMPN School Building was seriously damaged so that Children must study in the BNPB tent and 1 Village Head Office Unit.

    2. On November 14th, 2023 there was a flood in the Bakkara area, in Marbun Tonga Dolok Village which experienced damage to agricultural land and houses, bringing a total 214 families affected. In Simamora, community members were affected by their agricultural land, resulting in failure to harvest 38 families.

    3. On November 21st, 2023, a landslide struck the Sitausi Hamlet area, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, which resulted in 2 people being killed and 6 people being injured when house building materials were crushed and buried in the ground.

    4. On December 1st, 2023, the Flash Flood - Landslide Disaster occurred in Simangulampe Village, Huta Godang. This incident affected approximately ± 50 families, 1 church, 1 school and 1 health post. Meanwhile, 11 people are still missing and 1 person died according to a report from officers who were working at the scene.

    Please join in Prayer:

    Gracious God, we pray for all those suffering from disasters. Surround those who have been shaken by tragedy with a sense of your present love and hold them in faith.

    Grant them strength, patience, encouragement and comfort as they struggle with many losses.

    Sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild and give them strength to help the victims to create a new future full of hope.

    We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.


  • Prayer Alert - October, 17, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you again to join us with your prayers. The UEM Africa Department received the following sad news from Equateur Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo:

    The main transport means in this region is a boat on Congo River. Sadly, adeadly boat accident happened in the night of Sunday, 15th October 2023. It is reported the boat that capsized near the town of Mbandaka, not far from the CDCC headquarters. Theboat was overturned and swamped with water.

    It is estimated 30 dead, 167 missing and 189 survivors following the boat accident on the Congo River. Many families are mourning the death and the loss of their loved ones.

    Please keep in thoughts and prayers many families of our sisters and brothers of UEM members, the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) and the Association of Evangelical Churches of the Lulonga River (CADELU), from the Equateur Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

    Let us pray:

    God of life, so many people have died and are missing in this accident.

    We cry out to you:

    So many lives cut short.
    So many futures destroyed.
    So many families torn apart.

    God of life, so many people have died and are missing.

    We cry out to you:

    Let the dead find peace in you.
    Comfort the families of those who are mourning.
    Heal those who have been injured.

    God of life, hear our lament and our prayer.


  • Prayer Alert - October 11, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you to join in prayers:

    The world has been shocked and dismayed by the latest developments in Israel and Palestine since the outbreak of armed violence against the innocent civilians on October 7, 2023 with the launching of rockets from Gaza into Israel and the infiltration of Palestinian armed group Hamas into southern Israel. The Israeli military forces reacted to these acts of terrorism by launching military attacks to the Gaza region. This spiraling conflict between Palestinian armed groups and Israel have caused human tragedies and damages on both sides especially among the civilian populations.

    Let us pray:

    God of mercy, we pray for families of the innocent civilians whose lives were lost as they mourn their loved ones. Heal and comfort them under your gracious hands.

    God of life, we continue to pray for peace and reconciliation in the land of Christ´s birth.

    God of hope, we humble ourselves and ask your wisdom to inspire the international community, the religious leaders and world leaders to take strategic steps for peace and concord in the region.


  • Prayer Alert - May, 17, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you to pray for West Papua.

    Church leaders from West Papua, including the president of the Protestant Church in Papua (GKI-TP), a member of UEM, Rev. Andrikus Mofu, have issued a public appeal calling on the president of Indonesia and the government to restore human and constitutional rights in Papua and end the militarization of the region. The government is called upon to guarantee necessary assistance to people who have been forced to leave their homes and flee internally in Papua.

    The president is explicitly asked to initiate a peace process by mandating working groups in Jakarta and Papua, in which the churches want to participate. This process, in the view of the churches, must be linked to the de-militarization of Papua by the government.

    The call comes from within a context of increasing human rights violations and violent clashes between Indonesian military and armed members of a liberation organization in Papua (TPNPB-OPM), which also results in the displacement of civilians. 

    The churches emphasize that the current conflict must be viewed against the backdrop of a long history of Indonesian policies that have resulted in the displacement and marginalization of Papuans. A peace process in the current situation must take this history into account in order to be successful and take measures to overcome the violence.



    We pray for all sisters and brothers in Papua.

    God, be with the indigenous people, men, women and children who have been forced to flee from their homelands due to violence and militarization, and strengthen our Member Church in assisting the internally displaced people with humanitarian aid.

    God, be with the churches in Papua who are working for peace and asking for national peace initiatives to find political ways to protect especially indigenous people in Papua from violence, racism and marginalization.

    God, be we with the people in Papua and their homelands, protect their nature and rainforest habitats, which is the living space for many Papuans until today. Prevent the destruction of nature and indigenous life in Papua due to economic and military interests.Amen

  • Prayer Alert - May, 11, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you to pray for Sri Lanka.

    In Sri Lanka, the National Christian Council (NCCSL), led by General Secretary Rev. Sujithar Sivanagayam, has called on the government to withdraw a new Anti-Terrorism-Act (ATA) it has submitted, saying that even more than the existing anti-terrorism law, it may lead to the imprisonment of people without trial or charges and criminalization without due legal process.

    The National Christian Council calls on the government to fully withdraw the ATA. In doing so, the National Christian Council advocates the preservation of fundamental democratic and human rights principles that also and especially protect the rights of religious and ethnic minorities. 

    Rev. Ebenezer Joseph, President of the Methodist Church, and the General Secretary of the NCCSL, Sujithar Sivanagayam, also a minister of the Methodist Church, have co-signed the appeal. Both have worked for many years for democracy and human rights in their country and especially for minorities.



    We pray for all sister and brothers in Sri Lanka and the people of this country.

    God, be with all those who are suffering from the economic and financial crises and do not have enough for their families to feed, educate and take care of health treatment or medication.

    God, protect all people in Sri Lanka who feel threatened in their work for civil society, peace and justice by the anti-terror legislation that does not grant legal protection and justice to people who may be detained.

    God, help the churches and Christians in a society with diverse ethnic and religious groups to work for an inclusive society that protects those who are most vulnerable at the margins of the communities.


  • Prayer Alert - May, 08, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you to pray for the people affected by a natural disaster in the Southern Kivu Province, D. R. Congo.

    The UEM Africa Department is contacted by the CBCA President, the Rev Dr Jonathan Kavusa Kivatsi who reported the following natural disaster that happened from Wednesday 3 to 4 May 2023 in the Southern Kivu,  Province of Kalehe territory of the DRC:

    “It is announced that more than 176 people have died, more  than 50 injured, others not known yet got missing due the torrential rains, flooding and landslides particularly the southern Kivu Province of the DRC. The population is currently in a tragic moment, organizing funerals and still searching the people who disappeared.”

    Update: According to latest news, nearly 400 victims have been mourned.


    “Let us join in prayers for the victims of this natural disaster in the Southern Kivu of the DRC, for the disaster to stop and for the victims to be rescued. We pray for the people whose lives have been ruined by heavy rains and floods. In a very difficult situation, the relief efforts are on the way to help and provide supplies to many whose homes were destroyed. Many houses were destroyed, roads cut off by landslides and flooded fields“.

  • Prayer Alert - May, 04, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you to pray for the people affected by a natural disaster in Rwanda.

    The UEM Africa Department was contacted by church leaders, the EPR President, the Rev Dr Bataringaya Pascal and the EAR Bishop Assiel Musabyimana who reported the following natural disaster that happened yesterday Wednesday 3 May 2023:

    “It is announced that more than 95 people have died and many are missing after torrential rain caused flooding and landslides in Rwanda, mainly western and northern provinces. It is reported that relief efforts began immediately, including helping to bury victims of the disaster and providing supplies to those whose homes were destroyed. But the task was hampered by heavy rain that continued to fall over large parts of the country. Houses were destroyed, roads cut off by landslides and flooded fields. Rescuers search for those trapped in their homes“.

    Latest news inform us of a death toll of more than 130 people.

    Let us join to pray for all victims of this natural disaster, for the disaster to stop and for the victims to be rescued. We pray for the people whose lives have been devastated by heavy rains and floods.

  • Prayer Alert - March, 28, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,


    The Methodist Church Sri Lanka has asked us to pray for the unexpected challenges faced by some Christian Churches in fulfilling life and witness in the recent times and for strengthening of the relationship between Hindus and Christians, especially in the North & East peninsula.

    Rev. David Thayaseelan writes :  Please pray with us for the Christians and churches in Sri Lanka that they will be able to publicly speak about their faith. Please also pray that they will do so with respect for people of other faiths.

    Thank you!

  • Prayer Alert - February, 13, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    this is the shortened version of the statement and request for prayer that we have received from Bishop Melzar D. Labuntog, General Secretary the UCCP, our member in the Philippines, which is signed namely from all Conference Ministers and the Council of Bishops, and ask you to pray for the church leaders and church members concerned. (The short version does not change the points of the prayer request asked by UCCP.)

    “Statement on Harassment of Church Leaders and Members via Perjury Case and Red-tagging

    Our beloved and concerned Church members, leaders, and friends:

    We know that you have probably read and heard of what seemed to be alarming news but unmasked as harassment by those sowing discord without qualms of its possible impact. The red-tagging and defamatory article on social media issued by Sprint News and Views on the alleged perjury by UCCP Church leaders who served from 2014-2018 is factually misleading and legally infirm.

    In the end, the facts, circumstances and context of the incident and document in issue which was used, albeit wrongly, as their basis for filing the perjury complaint will be explained clearly and fully in court based on the law and evidence and will vindicate the Church as a whole and the concerned members of the subject National Executive Council (NEC) in particular. We trust that an independent and impartial tribunal will determine and establish this.

    The accused Church leaders and their witnesses will henceforth directly controvert the perjury charges in court since it is already pending there and that is the proper legal forum.

    Meanwhile, your Bishops and Church Leaders listed as respondents and now accused to the perjury case were compelled to post bail in the Mandaluyong Metropolitan Trial Court and in other Court branches in places where they live.

    Pray for our Church's leaders and members, whose lives are in danger and whose personal and family lives are ruined by accusations of criminal acts.

    May the God of justice and love will stand up for them and protect them. In the light of this, let us be reminded of Paul’s encouragement to the Ephesian Church:

    …Be strong in the Lord and in the strength

  • Prayer Alert - February, 06, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    Today, February 6th, 2023, UEM member, the Baptist Church in Central Africa (CBCA),  unit of Justice, Peace and Integrity of the Creation (JPIC) sent to UEM an update on the ongoing war and related hostilities on the innocent population in the East of the Democratic Republic Congo.People observe increased tensions between the conflicting armies. The CBCA seeks prayers by sharing that it is feared that for some days, activities in the city of Goma may be paralyzed, whereby the population expresses dissatisfaction of not being protected. Since this morning 6th February, Markets, shops, schools and other social institutions have been closed due to demonstrations, leading to lacking daily human needs. The agricultural service roads as well as that connecting the big cities of the provinces are cut by the ongoing heavy fighting. As result, the basic necessities become very rare and therefore expensive in Goma. But also the towns which depend on Goma can no longer obtain supplies of pharmaceutical products, fuel and other needed products. This situation is creating a deep suffering in the population of North Kivu in general and that of the city of Goma in particular.  As expressed by the population in Eastern Congo, the big frustration is also due to the fact that their suffering does not attract the International Community’s attention compared to other parts of the world.

    UEM invites sisters and brothers to join in prayers, to commend to God’s merciful care the people of Goma and Eastern Congo, to open the eyes of different decision-makers on the misery the people in the region have endured since decades, to give the church exceptional power and courage to stand up with initiative to build peace in this complex situation.

  • Prayer Alert - January, 26, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    The Evangelism Contact Persons (ECPs) in the Great Lakes Region are asking for our prayers as tensions are mounting between Rwanda and the DR Congo.

    As the BBC reported yesterday: “DR Congo has declared Rwanda’s shooting of one of its fighter jets an ‘act of war’, amid mounting tension. Rwanda’s government said it took ‘defensive measures’ against a plane that had violated its airspace – a claim denied by DR Congo.

    Although the plane landed safely, this is a major escalation following months of conflict in DR Congo, which has forced 400,000 people from their homes.

    In a statement, DR Congo’s government accused Rwanda fo ‘sabotaging’ the implementation of a recent peace process agreed upon by the opposing sides in recent talks. However, Rwanda said that this was the third incident involving a Congolese fighter jet in its airpace and asked its neighbor ‘to stop this agression’.”

    Dorcas Kavugho Samehe, ECP in Eastern Congo, sent this message: “We need your prayers in this situation.”

    And Rwandan ECP Rev. Venant Ntakirutimana wrote:

    “Certainly, there is a need to pray for the governments’ engagement in non-violent conflict resolutions to preserve the peaceful relations between both countries. Of course, Rwandan people would like to avoid this war to happen because they know disasters that follow it.”

    Please join us in praying to God for the prevention of the war between the two countries, the efficient conflict resolution through dialogue, and the spirit of love and peace making instead of spreading hatred and violence among the people of both neighboring countries.”

  • Prayer Alert - January, 19, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    In the past UEM members have been informed that, sadly since 2017 there have been internal conflicts and a leadership crisis within the Evangelical Church of Cameroon (EEC).

    In the beginning of 2023, UEM received information from the EEC outgoing interim leadership that from  26th to  30th  December 2022, it was convened and organised an Extraordinary Synod where members elected new EEC Church leaders. Let us thank God for this important step and pray for the new EEC leadership to be inspired by God and able to address the problems created by the five years of crisis and to be able to lead the church for a desired development.

    The new EEC leading team is composed of the following people:

    1. General President: Rev. BILLA MBENGA Alexandre
    2. 1st Vice President: Rev Dr NJOUENWET KOOP Bernard
    3. 2nd Vice President: Church elder  BAUNI KAMGA Jean Blaise Pascal
    4. 3rd  Vice-president of the EEC: Church Elder  TAMO TATIETSE Thomas
    5. General Secretary: Rev. Mrs MEMIAFO SOPJIO Abestine
    6. Assistant Secretary N0.1: Rev. MEKAH NYIMI Pierre
    7. Assistant Secretary N0.2: Church Elder MAKA TOKO Samuel
    8. General Treasurer: Church Elder  MFOCHIVE Édouard
    9. Assistant Treasurer: Rev. DJENE Jacques Brunot


    Dear God, we ask for your blessing and guidance for the new leadership at EEC in Cameroon.

    Please lead them and prepare them for their duties in the church.

    May your presence be with them.


  • Prayer Alert - January, 17, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    we ask you to join us with your prayers.

    The President of the Church of Christ in Congo (ECC), the Rev Dr Bokundoa Andre sent to UEM the following prayer request where all UEM members are kindly invited to join in prayers:

    Last Sunday 15th January 2023 in a church service where a baptism was officiated in the ECC/8th CEPAC, Kansindi parish, North Kivu, Democratic Republic Congo, there has been a terrorist bomb attack. The Church of Christ in the Congo condemns in the strongest terms this terrorist act, which costed the lives of several men, women and children and left many injured.

    UEM members are asked to join in prayers, solidarity and send sincere condolences to the relatives of the victims of the said attack. May God strengthen and protect the families suffering from this attack in the church.

Prayer Alerts 2022

  • Prayer Alert - December, 16, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you to pray with us for the people affected by inundations in the Equateur region of D. R. Congo. We have received the following information from Révérend Eliki Bonanga, president of our member church CDCC in D. R. Congo: 

    “Since the month of October 2022, our church posts in the province of Equatuer, especially along the river Congo and the river Ubangi, namely Lukolela, Bolenge, Bosobele, Ubangi, Mbandaka, Bolomba and Dianga have been hit by severe inundations. On 13th December, the church post in Kinshasa was hit by a flooding with unforeseeable damage. For example, we name:

     - distruction of schools, health centres, chapels and houses of community members

    - inundation of fields, washing away the crop necessary for the production of food, in our

       church posts along the rivers

    - death of people (20 in the Equateur region) and 141 in Kinshasa as a consequence of the

       torrential rain, sweeping along houses, cars, streets, trees, etc.

    We pray for our children who have lost their school rooms for their studies. We pray for our public authorities that they take their responsibility by regulating the uncontrolled abuse of forests and the abusive settlement on our land. At the same time, the government and the civil society are asked to lead an awareness raising campaign for our population about the consequences of illegal constructions and the abusive exploitation of our ecosystem.

    This situation has a severe impact on the church life, since the community members suffering from these incidents will not have the financial means to contribute for the church offerings. Even now, the Christmas offerings are severely concerned.”

    We pray that God will help his people.


    Let us pray: Our God,

    you see the suffering of our people in the Equatuer region who have been affected by the severe floodings. Please be with them, protect them and guide them. Please comfort those who have lost beloved ones. Give them people willing to help them. Let your church be an anchor for them and be mercyful.


  • Prayer Alert - November, 22, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    we have received the following request for prayer from our member church in D. R. Congo, CBCA. Please join us with your prayers for peace and security in the North Kivu province. Dr. Kavusa Kivatsi, the CBCA president, writes:


    “On behalf of the Baptist Community in Central Africa (CBCA), I let you know about the security situation that is going from bad to worse in the North Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Indeed, in Beni territory, there are continuous cases of killings, kidnappings, rape and other violations of human rights perpetrated by ADF soldiers. In that area, most of our parishes are no longer operational due to the abduction of church members. During my recent pastoral visit in CBCA Beni church district, I personally talked with internally displaced pastors whose parishes are frequently devoid of members because of abductions.

    The same situation is now experienced in Rutshuru territory (bordering Rwanda and Uganda at 70Km north of Goma) where clashes are opposing governmental forces to M23 rebels. Some people fleeing these confrontations are located at 7km away from Goma city while others crossed the border up to Uganda where they are hosted as refugees.

    Six days ago, a CBCA health centre was destroyed in Kabasha village (18km away from Beni). The so-called ADF forces burned the health centre buildings, looted medical equipment and took the Doctor into the bush. So far, we do not know what has happened to him afterwards.

    Your support in prayer for the restoration of peace in our province and the whole country is always highly appreciated.”

    Rev. Dr KAVUSA KIVATSI Jonathan

            CBCA Church President

  • Prayer Alert - November, 07, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,


    today, we ask you to pray for Tanzania.


    Air Craft Accident near UEM member, ELCT- NWD, Bukoba, Tanzania, on 6th November


    From Bukoba, Tanzania, the UEM Moderator, Bishop Dr Keshomshahara Abednego of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, North West Diocese shares:  "We think and pray for all families’ hearts who were on-board in the plane that crashed into Lake Victoria".

    The death toll reached 19 people after an Aircraft plane crashed due to bad weather and plunged into Lake Victoria in Tanzania, where the flight from Dar Es Salaam was scheduled to arrive at Bukoba airport on Sunday, 6th November 2022. 


    UEM members join in prayers and send our condolences to families and friends of all those who are mourning the 19 people and all those who were affected by the Air plane accident.

  • Prayer Alert - November, 03, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,


    The last few days, we have received several calls. Please join us with your prayer.


    UEM members, the Church in Christ of Congo (ECC) and the Baptist Church in Central Africa (CBCA) call for a prayer request for the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC).

    The Rev. Dr André BOKUNDOA-bo-LIKABE, National President of the Church of Christ in Congo and the CBCA President, the Rev. Dr Jonathan KAVUSA KIVATSI are requesting all churches to join in and pray for the population in the Eastern Congo. The report says: “The Kanyaruchinya site located in Nyiragongo territory at the bottom of the Nyiragongo Volcano received displaced people who are victims of heavy fighting between the RDC Armed Forces (FARC) and the M23 movement. An estimated 59.488 people are “IDP- Internally Displaced People”, facing very precarious living conditions lacking basic needs: Shelter, water, food, health care, education and many of them being victims of human rights violations.  

    Please pray for the very suffering and affected population. Let us invoke the Lord for a national and international leaders’ dialogue to bring an end to the arising war in the Eastern Congo.

  • Prayer Alert October 5, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    The last few days have hit our community hard and kept us on our toes. Please join us with your prayer.

    Ituri and North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo are affected by acts of violence by the rebels
    Reverend Dr Jonathan Kivatsi Kavusa, newly elected president of the CBCA shared:
    „This night of 3.10.2022, the ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) rebel group attached the village of Mayuano in Ituri province (DR. Congo), killed 14 persons and burned 40 houses. Many of our church members have been kidnapped (especially women and young people) and others are in the refugees’ camps. One week ago, a medical Doctor in one of our hospitals in the district of Vayana (North Kivu) was also kidnapped by another rebel group and was released after the church paid a ransom. Life in Goma, the siege of the CBCA, has become very stressful and expensive due to the presence of many rebel groups surrounding all the villages around the city, preventing agricultural products to reach Goma easily. Please, pray for us as we serve the Lord in this challenging context of the Eastern Part of the Congo“.


    Earthquake in North-Tapanuli and further regions in Indonesia
    The regency of North-Tapanuli in North Sumatra/Indonesia and the surrounding areas have been hit by a heavy earthquake. People and congregations of UEM Member Churches, namely HKBP, HKI, GKPI, GBKP, GKPS, and GPKB are affected. The most affected is HKBP, many buildings collapsed.
    As far as we know now, there is fortunately only one victim - the person died of a heart attack triggered by the quake. We can thank our Lord for this fortunate coincidence in our misfortune.
    Ephorus Dr Robinson Butarbutar of HKBP shared on the earthquake disaster that shook North Tapanuli and surrounding areas:
    „An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 occurred in Parmonangan, North Tapanuli in the early morning hours of 1 October 22 at 02:28 a.m., accompanied by aftershocks until the following morning.
    The earthquake not only caused damage to many buildings and property but also caused injuries in Tarutung City, Siborongborong, Aek Raja, Huta Tinggi, Parmonangan and others. Many houses of the congregation and the community suffered moderate to high damage“.
    Also a lot of church buildings were hit. The earthquake left the people in the affected areas in shock and traumatised.
    The Ephorus concluded: „Let us remember the Lord's message "Bear one another's burdens. Thus you fulfil the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2). May the love and power of the Triune God be with us and save the people of North Tapanuli and Humbang Hasundutan and beyond“.


    One of the biggest disasters during a football match ever: more than 131 lives lost after riots in Malang District/East Java, Indonesia
    On 1 October 2022, a deadly human crush occurred during a football match at Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang district, East Java, Indonesia. After the home team Arema FC lost to Persebaya Surabaya, Arema supporters stormed the pitch, rioted and attacked police and players. Riot police units then used tear gas, which led to a rush of people inside the stadium trying to flee from the effects of the gas. A crowd formed at one exit, as a result lots of fans perished.
    In total, 448 people were affected - 131 people died and 323 people suffered minor or serious injuries.
    Many young people belonging to our member church GKJW were also there. Thank God that they came home safely.
    The mass panic is one of the worst disasters in a tragically long series of stadium disasters.

    Let us pray:
    As Christians, we are united with our brothers and sisters worldwide.
    We are called to bring their suffering and need before God in prayer and to support and assist them in every way we can.
    We place ourselves under the words of John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid“.


    In addition to these terrible, even tragic events, allow us also to report something positive:


    The General Assembly of UEM has ended with the election of a new Moderator and a new Council
    The Tanzanian theologian Abednego Keshomshahara, leader of the North-West Diocese of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, has been elected as the new Moderator of the UEM.
    The Assembly also elected four members each from Africa, Asia and Germany as well as a youth representative to the Council of UEM
    The Africa region will be represented by the Rev. Henriette Malinyota (CBCA), Rev. Vuyokazi Christine Vinqi (URCSA), Bishop Mothusi Letlhage (ELCB) and Bishop Alex Malasusa (ELCT-ECD).
    Elected from the Asia Region were: Rev. Simpon Ferdinant Lion (GKE), Mrs Fransina Yoteni (GKI-TP), Ephorus Robinson Butarbutar (HKBP) and Bishop William P. Ebenezer Joseph (MC-SL).
    The German region will be represented by OKR Wibke Janssen (EKiR), Rev. Annette Salomo (EKvW), Rev. Thomas Fender (Evangelical Reformed Church), and Rev. Bernd Müller (EKKW).
    Mikhael Sihotang (HKBP) will represent the youth.
    The delegates also elected Rev. Salomo, Bishop Letlhage and Ephorus Butarbutar as vice-moderators.

    Let us pray:
    Almighty God, we thank you for all who are willing to be called into your service. Give them joy and skill in doing so. Help us all to be willing servants and gratefully accept the service of others, so that your name may be glorified, your people may live in peace and your will may be done.


  • Prayer Alert - May, 04, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    We continue to pray for the innocent victims of the Ukraine war.

    UEM African particpants to an online workshop, prayed: “ Our heavenly father, we ask you to provide your peace to the worldwide suffering community, especially today, we bring to you,  the innocent Ukraine population, praying that they escape the power of death and the terrible sufferings your people are experiencing. Show your mighty love to your children by stopping this war which is destroying the humanity”.

     On the 26th April 2022, the UEM Africa Department received the following prayer alert from UEM member, the CBCA- Baptist Church in Central Africa, in Goma, the Democratic Republic Congo.

    General Situation in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces of the DRC:


    • The state of siege in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri, proclaimed since May 6, 2021, remains the last strategic way of the Government of D.R.Congo to quickly put an end to the insecurity that causes huge number of deaths among the DRC population on a daily basis.  This exceptional state of siege measure will remain in force until the objective of its establishment is declared to have been achieved or when the circumstances that motivated it disappear and that security is re-established.
    • The DRC is a newest member of the East African Economic Community (EAC). Hopefully the countries’ synergies will address the fragile security situation in Eastern Congo.
    • Unfortunately, the population of TCHANZU, RUNYONYI, BUGUSA, GISIZA and TCHEYA in the territory of Rutshuru experience sufferings from armed attacks.


    • There is a precarious security situation and its consequences including cases of seriously wounded people without any appropriate medical care, separation of children and their families, theft of property belonging to the local population. In Beni, the population was obliged to leave their homes to be refugees in Kasese/Uganda. Among them: big numbers of children, women, elderly and people with disabilities.


    • The war in Ukraine, which started almost two months ago has an economic impact on the lives of the population as trade with some Western countries is no longer possible. This increases the price of basic daily foodstuffs such as salt, sugar, rice, oil, etc.

    We ask you to join us with your prayer:

    • Pray for the DRC authorities to fairly and justly keep the state of siege for the protection of the suffering population.
    • Pray for the peace and stability to be recovered in Ukraine for the direct and indirect sufferers to have peace and stability and be able to vacate to their daily work in peace.
    • Pray for the reinforcement of the operational capacities of DRC churches in the area of human rights and peacebuilding.
    • Pray for the peace and stability to be recovered, for the population in the internally displaced or refugee camps to go back to their homes to vacate to their daily work in peace.

    We also have received another prayer request  from the UEM member from South Africa, the URCSA- Uniting Reformed Church of South Africa:

    In April 2022, days of heavy rain across KwaZulu-Natal in South-eastern South Africa led to deadly floods. Particularly hard-hit were areas in and around Durban. At least 450 people have been reported dead, and 63 people are still missing. Several thousand homes were damaged or destroyed.

    Critical infrastructure, including major roads, transportation, communication, and electrical systems, were also impacted by the flooding, and this damage greatly hampered recovery and relief efforts. It is one of the deadliest natural disasters in the country in the 21st century, and the deadliest storm since the 1987 floods. The floods have caused R5.7 billion ($389 million) in infrastructure damage.

    • Pray for the population and the families who have lost their family members and infrastructures that have been destroyed to be recovered.
  • Prayer Alert - March, 25, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    Tomorrow, March 26, the Methodist Church Sri Lanka will hold a Prayer for the Nation. With this alert, we are asking all of you to join in prayers for Sri Lanka.

    The country is in the middle of a catastrophic crisis which has been building in the aftermath of the internal war which ended in 2009. To rebuild the country, the government went into massive debt. Then, the Easter bombings in 2019 and the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 brought its tourist industry, the main generator of foreign currency, to a complete stop. Sri Lanka is now in a situation where currency reserves are critically low, and where about 80% of public income go into paying interest on international debt. The resulting economic chaos has caused untold suffering to many thousands of daily wage earners, agricultural laborers, and the self-employed.

    The lack of foreign currency led the Sri Lankan government to stop importing chemical fertilizer in 2020, badly affecting harvests. The ongoing financial crisis has, in the last four months, led to shortages of milk powder, sugar, flour, spices, cooking gas, rice, and even paper, creating panic buying, rationing and an escalation of prices. Many poor citizens now have to decide every morning whether to go to work or to queue for food.

    Recently, the war in Ukraine has exacerbated the crisis. There is now a shortage of medicines, and an acute fuel shortage, leading to daily power cuts of 5-7 hours.

    And just last week, the official exchange rate of the Sri Lankan Rupee was changed from 203 Rupies/US$ to 260 Rupies/US$, immediately increasing prices of daily necessities by at least another 25%.

    Rev. Ebenezer Joseph, President of the Methodist Church Sri Lanka, writes:

    “Our immediate concern is the poor vast majority of the people who are shocked and dumbfounded. This will also have a great impact on the running of the church, as the vast majority of the people will not be able to regularly make their regular offerings but on the other hand, will look for relief and solace from the Church.

    This is the result of ill-advised fiscal mismanagement due to political pressures and rampant corruption specially in the last ten years while Sri Lankan International debt has gone soaring high. Now the ordinary and poor people have to pay the price through their sweat and blood. 

    It is no use blaming the pandemic as all South Asian countries have managed their economy fairly well in spite of Covid-19.

    Where are we heading to?

    Obviously, the sad plight is overshadowed by shrinking of the democratic space and gross violations of human rights. The Judiciary too is losing its independence due systematic political manipulation and militarization and the chaotic means of addressing the current debate is all frightening. The happenings in the Central Bank, the contradictory decisions made by the Central Bank and the Finance Ministry are all signs of inexperience and mismanagement. Things seem to be really out of control.

    We will need your solidarity and prayers to fulfill the prophetic role of the church and become viable agents of transformation.

    We will need immense courage and stamina to continue to be the voice of hope, while being immersed in the miseries of the people, sharing their fears, anxieties and frustrations, that is daily rising.

    We will need a deep-rooted spirituality to live by the values of the Gospel.

    We are not just sitting on top of a volcano but a volcano that has begun to erupt. We do hope that this contextual reality will be in your minds as you think, act and pray for “Sri Lanka”.”

    Please find below the prayer points which the Methodist Church will take up tomorrow, and join the whole UEM community in prayers for Sri Lanka. Thank you!

    Prayer Points

    Acknowledging our Failures – Call to Repent

    • Our Consumerist Life Style
    • Our selfishness and desire to fulfill our needs alone
    • Failure to stand up for truth
    • Our Silence – Complicity in all that was going on in the past decades as the country plunged into the debt crisis.

    Pray For

    • Pray for specially the poor, and the unemployed, specially remembering the agricultural labourers, plantation labourers, the poor elderly pensioners as they have to cope up with multiple challenges such as
      • The cost of living that gone up by nearly 75% in the last six months.
      • The value of the money has gone down by nearly 40%
      • Standing in several queues
      • Coping with shortage in fuel and electricity, power cuts of nearly 7 ½ hours along with many other shortage of essentials items as well.
    • Pray for the sick as the cost of medicines has gone up while there is a shortage of medicines as well.
    • The children whose normal life and education is interrupted due to pandemic and immediately followed by the economic crisis.
    • For all political leaders irrespective of their political affiliation to acknowledge their failures and work together for the welfare of the people.
    • For the Religious Leaders to uphold the values of life, strengthen unity among people and work towards removing the sufferings of the people.
    • For the welfare and prosperity of the entire nation.
    • Enable people and specially the Church to make appropriate sacrificial commitment and adopt a life style that brings viable alternatives to the current crisis.
    • Political Leaders, Economic Advisors, Government Officials that they act with prudence filled with divine wisdom, in order to take the country out of this chaos.

    God of life, in your mercy hear our prayers!

  • Prayer Alert - March, 08, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    The ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops is not only a European issue. If it does not end very soon, it will have a catastrophic impact on worldwide food production, for several reasons:

    • Ukraine is one of the largest exporters worldwide of food grains, and right now, fields cannot be sown, meaning that there will be no or a much reduced harvest this fall.
    • Russia is a major exporter of oil, gas and several ingredients necessary for chemical fertilizer, like potash and phosphate. All of these exports are being hit by sanctions.

    Gilbert Houngbo, President of IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) says: (

    “Forty percent of wheat and corn exports from Ukraine go to the Middle East and Africa, which are already grappling with hunger issues, and where further food shortages or price increases could stoke social unrest.

    Currently one in ten people in the world do not have enough to eat, and millions have been pushed into poverty and hunger by the impact of extreme weather events and the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. The continuation of this conflict, already a tragedy for those directly involved, will be catastrophic for the entire world, and particularly those that are already struggling to feed their families.”

    Therefore, today we want to share with you the following message and prayer by Esther Sudhajini, Youth Co-ordinator of the Methodist Church – Sri Lanka Youth Department.

    Dear UEM Members,

    Over the last week, the entire world witnessed the devastation of war breaking out in Ukraine. In times like these, it can be tempting to think there is nothing we can do. But just as I have often said this semester, if you are believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, there is absolutely something that you can do and what we can all do together. We can pray . Bible says, Jesus tells his disciples a parable in order to teach them that ‘’they ought always to pray and not lose heart. ‘’ So as a UEM family, let us all pray without losing heart as we go to the God who is over all things. 

    Let us pray that God would bring an end to the invasion in Ukraine.

    Loving God, We pray for the Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders , for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that in this moment of cricis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers & sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a  reality for the people of Ukraine and for all over the world.


  • Prayer Alert - February, 24, 2022

    Dear sisters and brothers,

    As we have followed the latest conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine, Russia announced the military operation into Ukraine at 5.55am Moscow time today on February 24, 2022. Some minutes later the first attacks through bombings and missile strikes were launched into Ukraine.

    In the capital of Kyiv, an emergency siren has been wailing, and media reports that crowded lines of vehicles were jamming an expressway as people flee the city. A growing sense of panic has emerged. Many populations are being rushed into bomb shelters and into basements. Media reports people praying in the streets, come together in groups.

    Together with the people in Ukraine we pray to the Lord as they are now in fearful anxiety and expecting a large scale of humane crisis in the short future. Let us pray for immediate ceasefire as the war will only create the death and suffering inevitably for the children, women and men of Ukraine. We pray for any immediate political conversations, which could cease the current conflict, so that peace may yet prevail in the regions.

    Let us pray:

    Gracious Lord,

    We ask you fervently for the people of Ukraine. The situation they now face is horrifying. We ask that the people of Ukraine may be safe and secure, and they would find peace soon.

    We plea to you for our world leaders that they work through diplomacy, and prepare for avoiding a large-scale war.

    We ask you humbly for an immediate termination to the current armed hostilities. Protect all human lives and communities threatened by this violence in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Prayer Alert - February, 14, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    Our prayer alert today comes from the von Bodelschwingh Foundation Bethel, our member in Germany.

    Rev. Philipp Katzmann, Theological Director of the Protestant Hospital in Bethel, writes the following:

    The co-workers in our Bethel Hospital Gilead are especially challenged by the Corona Pandemic. In the beginning, when Corona was very much unknown, there was a lot of insecurity and anxiety amongst the staff. With lockdown of schools and other facilities, even at home the situation was tense, especially for the families where children had to be kept at home.

    During summer the situation relaxed a bit but nevertheless the tension was high in the hospital as there were many very severely ill Corona patients, not only in intensive care. Members of staff had to cope with suffering of too many patients who could not be healed. That was mentally and physically challenging, as quite a significant number of colleagues fell sick themselves.

    Nurses and doctors had to be very close to the patients as friends and relatives were prohibited from visiting in order to reduce the danger of further infections. People died very lonely in hospitals and old people’s homes -- another emotional challenge for the members of staff.

    Right now the law for compulsory corona vaccination means another challenge as 8% of hospital staff in Bethel is not yet vaccinated. Fatigue, grief, frustration and sometimes even anger are the main feelings amongst members of hospital staff.

    Let us be grateful for all protection, for all people who have done their duty with respect and a feeling of responsibility for the infected ones.

    Let us pray for all who lost their lives in the Pandemic. We commend them into God’s merciful hands.

    Let us pray for energy and wisdom for all who work in the hospitals. May God bless the work of all nurses, doctors and other hospital staff and help us not to forget the important service they do for our communities.

    Philipp Katzmann

    Theological Director Evangelical Hospital Bethel

  • Prayer Alert - February, 07, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    an 18-members delegation is conducting a solidarity visit to the member church of the UEM in West Papua, GKI Tanah Papua, from February 2-9, 2022. The delegation includes church leaders of the UEM members from Sumatra, Java, Nias and Kalimantan as well as the moderator of the UEM and the vice-moderator of the Asia region with the staff of the Asia regional office of the UEM and representatives of the Indonesian Council of Churches (PGI). The visit was triggered by the increasing cases of violence and even killings by state security forces in Papua.

    Ms. Irma Simanjuntak, UEM advocacy co-worker in Asia Region, who accompanies the solidarity visit, asks us to pray:

    “Thanks to God that the participants of Solidarity Visit in Papua 2022 arrived safely in Manokwari, West Papua. Thanks to God for the hospitality of GKI-TP Synod to welcome all participants and guests warmly. Thanks to God that the opening ceremony was done well today. This Solidarity Visit reminds all of participants to realize solidarity action starting from small things, such as giving ears to listen to others, giving heart to feel emotion and giving hands and feet to work for the good things. Pray for every activity during this visit: Sharing condition and situation of churches in Papua, local government and community or civil society who become the victims of conflict in Papua. Pray that God gives us strength to do His will and to strengthen the community through this solidarity visit to realize love, peace and justice in Papua.”

  • Prayer Alert - January, 28, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    We are happy to be able today to send you a short prayer alert with good news, coming from the United Church of Christ in the Philippines:

    Pastor Benjie Gomez of the UCCP was released from detention on January 26, 2022.

    The trumped-up, recycled murder charge in Zamboanga del Norte against Pastor Benjie has been dismissed.

    We continue to raise concerns for the safety of Pastor Benjie and his family, as he continues his ministry. Thank you for your advocacy and prayers!



  • Prayer Alert - January, 11, 2022

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    The UEM Africa Department received very sad news that Pastor Charles Emmanuel NJIKE, Honorary President of the Evangelical Church of Cameroon (EEC) passed away.

    For a number of months he was leading a reconciliatory process within the Evangelical Church of Cameroon. The Extraordinary Synod held in Yaoundé on December 15, 2021 has elected him to lead the EEC transition group (10 people) as the 2017 elected Team led by Prof Hendje Toya Jean Samuel stepped down to allow the process to be carried out.

    The death occurred yesterday 10.1.2022 in Douala as a result of illness. In this painful circumstance, UEM is inviting sisters and brothers to pray for the family of the Pastor Charles Emmanuel NJIKE and the entire Evangelical Church of Cameroon to find a way forward in the reconciliatory process.

    God bless you all.

    Rev. Dr. John Wesley Kabango

Player Alert

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

From the HKBP; Indonesia, we have received official information about the disasters happened in the Samosir and Humbang Regency and request for support also in prayer.

The areas which are experiencing disaster are as follows:

  1. On November 13th, 2023, there was a flash flood in Sihotang-Samosir which caused death of 2 people, and 300 families whose houses were submerged in floods resulting in moderate, light and heavy damage, 1 Unit of the Sihotang 2 SMPN School Building was seriously damaged so that Children must study in the BNPB tent and 1 Village Head Office Unit.
  2. On November 14th, 2023 there was a flood in the Bakkara area, in Marbun Tonga Dolok Village which experienced damage to agricultural land and houses, bringing a total 214 families affected. In Simamora, community members were affected by their agricultural land, resulting in failure to harvest 38 families.
  3. On November 21st, 2023, a landslide struck the Sitausi Hamlet area, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, which resulted in 2 people being killed and 6 people being injured when house building materials were crushed and buried in the ground.
  4. On December 1st, 2023, the Flash Flood - Landslide Disaster occurred in Simangulampe Village, Huta Godang. This incident affected approximately ± 50 families, 1 church, 1 school and 1 health post. Meanwhile, 11 people are still missing and 1 person died according to a report from officers who were working at the scene.

Please join in Prayer:

Gracious God, we pray for all those suffering from disasters. Surround those who have been shaken by tragedy with a sense of your present love and hold them in faith.

Grant them strength, patience, encouragement and comfort as they struggle with many losses.

Sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild and give them strength to help the victims to create a new future full of hope.

We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Savior.Amen

  • Prayer Alert - October, 17, 2023

    Dear Sisters and Brothers,

    today, we ask you again to join us with your prayers. The UEM Africa Department received the following sad news from Equateur Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo:

    The main transport means in this region is a boat on Congo River. Sadly, adeadly boat accident happened in the night of Sunday, 15th October 2023. It is reported the boat that capsized near the town of Mbandaka, not far from the CDCC headquarters. Theboat was overturned and swamped with water.

    It is estimated 30 dead, 167 missing and 189 survivors following the boat accident on the Congo River. Many families are mourning the death and the loss of their loved ones.

    Please keep in thoughts and prayers many families of our sisters and brothers of UEM members, the Community of Disciples of Christ in the Congo (CDCC) and the Association of Evangelical Churches of the Lulonga River (CADELU), from the Equateur Region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

    Let us pray:

    God of life, so many people have died and are missing in this accident.

    We cry out to you:

    So many lives cut short.
    So many futures destroyed.
    So many families torn apart.

    God of life, so many people have died and are missing.

    We cry out to you:

    Let the dead find peace in you.
    Comfort the families of those who are mourning.
    Heal those who have been injured.

    God of life, hear our lament and our prayer.



photo: UEM
Rev. Dr. Claudia Währisch-Oblau
Executive Secretary Evangelism
Rudolfstr. 137
42285 Wuppertal
+49 202 89004-190


IBAN: DE45 3506 0190 0009 0909 08






