Jetzt Spenden

Our Topics

As a communion of churches, we are committed to a wide range of areas, including justice, peace, and the integrity of creation, and intercultural exchange. Learn more about our shared actions.

Human Rights Campaign 2025

The UEM's annual Human Rights Campaign invites discussions, participation, and support for people whose rights need to be defended—through public actions and a call to stand up for those affected. In 2025, the focus will be on the right to a safe home as part of the United Nations Human Rights Convention.

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Racism and Church

For a shift in perspective within the white church in Germany! According to the Microcensus, 25% of all adults and 41% of all children in Germany have a migration background, experiencing a different reality than most white Germans. The church must take its responsibility to protect them more seriously than ever before.

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Interreligious Dialogue

As a mission society, we naturally share God's passion with people and carry His message forward. In doing so, respectful interaction with other religions is a matter of course for us. We advocate for religious freedom and peace among religions.

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International Church Music

In an increasing number of congregations within UEM member churches worldwide, the need for contemporary music is becoming more evident. Not only in Germany, Christians are seeking professional guidance and support for quality music in devotions and worship services that go beyond classical church music to include elements of jazz, rock, pop, and gospel.

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Climate Protection

The integrety of creation: Environmental destruction and climate change pose a threat to many people in our member churches. That’s why we are committed to political advocacy and innovative projects to ensure a sustainable and healthy environment for the long term.

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Mission & Colonialism

We take our historical responsibility seriously and critically engage with it. Therefore, we provide a transparent insight into the very diverse and sometimes ambivalent actions of German missionaries during the colonial era in Africa and Asia.

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