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Preparing for Action

Petrus Sugito (middle) shows the future volunteers the structure of UEM. Foto by: Ridho Simamora, UEM

“We are convinced that God's love always empowers and strengthens people. That's why we support programs that empower men, women and young people to become self-reliant.” This is UEM’s conviction under “Development”, one of the five working areas of UEM.

One of the programs that empowers and strengthens people is our volunteers programme. In the UEM, there are three different kinds of volunteer programmes: The North South Volunteer Programme, the South North Volunteer Programme and the South South Volunteer Programme.

On January 17, 2023 we have guests in the UEM office in Pematang Siantar. They are South-North Volunteers who are taking their German Course here for one month. We are glad to welcome them. Through this encounter, Rev. Petrus Sugito, Deputy Executive Secretary for Asia introduced them to UEM and shared insights about the program.

There are 7 youths from six churches: HKBP*, GBKP*, GKJTU*, GKJW*, GKPA* and MC-SL*, who have been selected to join this program. However, only 5 people are taking the Course in Pematang Siantar. One has already mastered the language, and one is taking it in Sri Lanka.
During this meeting, they shared with one another about how they feel and what they expected from their volunteering service. They also talked about what they are going to do after finishing the program. Finally, after the meeting, they feel more confident and ready to do their service in Germany.

May God bless all their preparations and be with them in their tasks ahead.


*HKBP = Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (Christian-Protestant Church of the Batak)

*GBKP = Gereja Batak Karo Protestan (Protestant Church of the Karo Batak)

*GKJTU = Gereja Kristen Jawa Tengah Utara (Christian Church of North Central Java)

*GKJW = Greja Kristen Jawi Wetan (East Java Christian Church)

*GKPA = Gereja Kristen Protestan Angkola (Christian-Protestant Church of the Angkola)

*MC-SL = Methodist Church in Sri Lanka


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