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75th Anniversary of the Declaration of the UN Convention on Human Rights

Dr. Jochen Motte (to the left) und Peter Prove present: STRENGTHENING CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVES, Photo: Ivar Kupics / ÖRK

"Today, many years after 1948, we face fundamental challenges in implementing universal human rights. In countries where churches face injustice and human rights violations, and where even national governments are involved, global ecumenical solidarity is needed. They need the WCC and also the UEM to help and support," is how Dr. Jochen Motte, Deputy General Secretary of UEM and Executive Secretary of the Department Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, described the human rights situation and reflected in his speech about the history of the declaration and the importance of ecumenical unions for the global community today.

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) hosted a reception at the Ecumenical Center in Geneva to mark the 75th anniversary of the declaration of the Human Rights in Paris on December 10, 1948. About 60 participants, including ambassadors and representatives of churches, international institutions and non-governmental organizations, were present. The speeches emphasized how closely the history of the WCC is interwoven with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was pointed out that the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, established in 1946 in anticipation of the later establishment of the WCC, had played a significant role in the drafting of the declaration.

The evening also marked the 75th anniversary of the WCC, which was founded in Amsterdam on Aug. 23, 1948.

Peter Prove, Director of the WCC's Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, reminded the audience of the shared history of the WCC and the Declaration on Human Rights, and gave an assessment of current challenges: "Our remembrance in this anniversary year is guarded, even dark," he said. "The principles of human rights seem more contested than ever, and the commitment to multilateralism itself is in defense." Moreover, he noted that a time of new conflicts is emerging. "The World Council of Churches has consistently affirmed its commitment to the principles of international human rights norms," Prove said. "And yet we must also recognize that within our own organization, which includes 352 member churches in 120 countries with a total of more than half a billion people, there is divergence and disagreement about the nature of the relationship between the principles of the Christian faith and international human rights norms," the WCC director explained.

In remembrance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 75 years ago, December 10 is regarded worldwide as Human Rights Day.



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