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After Floods: CDCC Church Takes Action

Water ways are one of the most important means of transportation in the area. After the floods, residents and rescue teams use them to commute between houses and shelters. Photo by: CDCC

On December 11, the province government of Equateur, DR Congo, declared the state of emergency to provide access to additional government services following severe floods in the regions of Ngiri, Ubangi, Felueve and Ruki.

Government experts have conducted a visitation to the cities and villages affected. They report people being traumatized due to the masses of water destroying entire houses, livelihoods, farms and fields. Of the more than 200.000 people affected, four have reportedly died, seven are injured and 150 are missing, with the search continuing until today. Both roads and rivers are hard to use as aconsequence of the floods.

In addition to informal structures of family and neighborhood aid that is given generously, UEM member church CDCC provides measures of emergency relief to its congregants and other people in the area. At the moment, they focus on shelter, food and hygiene products, cooperating with the government and other partner organizations.

As members of the UEM Communion of Churches, EPR*, EKiR* and EKvW* provide emergency support together with UEM, totaling 32,000 Euros. They continue to pray for the people affected and for every prayer and action taken by CDCC and ask everybody to join their efforts with prayer and donation.

Here you can donate online to support CDCC and its efforts.


*CDCC = Church of the Disciples of Christ in Congo

*EPR = Église Presbyterienne du Rwanda (Presbyterian Church in Rwanda)

*EKiR = Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland (Evangelical Church in the Rhineland)

*EKvW = Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen (Evangelical Church in Westphalia)


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