40 years of partnership: That was the occasion for people from Germany and Indonesia to meet in Padangsidempuan, North Sumatra. UEM member church GKPA* has a partnership with church district at Lahn & Dill from UEM member church EKiR*. During these 40 years, a lot has happened. Among others, the Indonesian Jazz Band “Terang Api” (Light of the Fire) visited Germany, and a Delegation from Germany visited GKPA to celebrate 150 years of Christianity in Sumatra.
During this years anniversary visit, officials from GKPA and Lahn & Dill saw different social institutions of GKPA, as well as one of its seven Evangelism Posts. The German delegation also visited the GKPA congregation of Jakarta, the Capital City of Indonesia. In all congregations, the partnership anniversary was celebrated with services. The main service in Padangsidempuan took place during GKPA’s men’s assembly and included competitions in Broom Making, traditional Spoon Making, as well as karaoke and choir singing competitions.
Congratulations to GKPA Church and Lahn & Dill Church District to their 40 year partnership! God’s blessings for the future!
*GKPA = Gereja Kristen Protestan Angkola (Christian-Protestant Church of the Angkola)
*EKiR = Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland (Evangelical Church in the Rhineland)
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