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Churches in Indonesia struggle for religious freedom

[Translate to Englisch:] Vor dem Präsidentenpalast in Jakarta demonstrieren Indonesier für Religionsfreiheit: "Der Präsident muss dafür sorgen, dass die Menschen Gottesdienst feiern dürfen."

[Translate to Englisch:] Vor dem Präsidentenpalast in Jakarta demonstrieren Indonesier für Religionsfreiheit: "Der Präsident muss dafür sorgen, dass die Menschen Gottesdienst feiern dürfen."

The Communion of Churches in Indonesia, PGI, reports about attacks on the religious freedom in the country. PGi chairman Andreas Yewangoe told in a information meeting in Wuppertal that churches are destroyed and Christians are attacked, e.g. in Bekasi near Jakarta in September.
Constitution vs. reality
Religious freedom is guaranteed in the Indonesian constitution, Yewangoe said, but in reality islamistic groups hinder Christians from worshipping, close or even destroy churches and try to chase away Christians from certain areas. Governmental effort to stop these practices are simply not visible, Yewangoe said.
Religious freedom for all religions
The PGi chairman underlined that the Communion of Churches struggles for the religious freedom of every religion, even for the natural religions of indigenous people, which are not officially acknowledged in Indonesia. UEM general secretary Dr Fidon Mwombeki ensured UEM's support for the PGI's struggle. He also pointed out the necessity of advocating religious freedom in Europe as well. "To be credible, UEM has to advocate for religious freedom for every religion everywhere in the world."
Human Rights' Campaign 2011
This advocay will be found in UEM's Human Rights'Campain 2011, Dr. Jochen Motte said, Executive Secretary fur Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation: „Where human rights are violated and people are not allowed to practise their religion freely, we will support the victims. We promote interreligous dialogue to stand up against any kind of fundamentalism and violence."


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