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Fulfilling God's mission in Cameroon

The visit to Ndogbati Hospital, Photo: John Wesley Kabango / UEM

The church leadership of EEC, together with the UEM delegates, Photo: UEM

Rev Dr Andar Parlindungan's first trip as the newly appointed UEM General Secretary took him to the EEC*, a member church of the UEM, in Cameroon at the end of March. This inaugural visit symbolised the solidarity and support of the UEM communion. Dr Parlindungan, together with Rev. Dr John Wesley Kabango, head of the Africa/Germany Division of the UEM and Rev. Felicite Ngnintedem, head of the Global I Division and thus successor to Dr Andar Parlindungan in this position, were welcomed by the EEC church leadership together with the EEC church president Rev. Alexandre Billa and the EEC general secretary Rev. Memiafo Abestine.

During the visit, important topics such as transparency and good governance were addressed, as well as the importance of educational programs and capacity building to further advance the development of the church. During a joint workshop, Rev Dr Ernest Kadiva, head of the UEM regional office in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, emphasised the importance of investments and modernisation measures for churches. In this context, the EEC also submitted a project application to the UEM communion to promote the digitalisation process in its administration. John Wesley Kabango shared the information about working and governance structures of the UEM. He underlines the importance of both: supporting the churches in need but also asking for their contribution, as in United Action, the joint fundraising campaign in the Africa and Asia regions of the UEM.

The delegation celebrated Easter Sunday with a joint church service. EEC church President Rev Alexandre Billa explained: "We feel very honored by the visit of the UEM, but above all strengthened to continue on our path in the UEM communion of churches. We are grateful for the support in times of great challenges for the EEC. We are committed to working with the UEM and supporting our communion."
Before returning, the delegation visited numerous EEC projects such as New Bell High School, CAMED Bank and Ndogbati Hospital.

Andar Parlindungan on the conclusion of this trip: "I have seen a refreshed spirit of the church for transformation and reconciliation. Now is the time for the UEM, EEC and all international partners to work hand in hand to fulfil God's mission in Cameroon.The church has inherited a lot of potential and resources for the spiritual journey and social responsibility, which must be supported but also strengthened."

*EEC = Evangelical Church in Cameroon (Eglise Evangélique du Cameroun)



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