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Strengthening Community, Building Structures

The group of Communicators: They stay in touch with their churches and young adults in their respective areas. (Photo by: Daniel Njikeu / IEG)

Ubuntu was first reflected in theory... (Photo by: Rebecca Fischer / UEM)

...and then put into practice. "I am because you are": this philosophy makes us lift up one another, for example Rebecca Fischer. (Photo by: Daniel Njikeu / IEG)

“Getting to know more about Ubuntu was new to me, but like having gold on your doorstep: You always step on it going inside and outside, but it was like a new discovery at the same time!” this is how UEM volunteer John Donald Mziray describes what inspired him most during the Weekend of the Young Adults Network. The talk by Leita Ngoy about the southern African philosophy of Ubuntu was a highlight of the weekend for many participants.

Young Adults play an important role in UEM: They are part of every General and Regional Assembly, they are invited to volunteer in UEM member churches and they organize themselves: That is what UEM’s Young Adult Network is for.


This November, a group of young adults from Asia, Africa and Europe meet in Hattingen, Germany, to discuss the structure these networks should have in the future: How do we make it open and inclusive? Which needs should we meet, and how do we deal with long distances in UEM? These and other questions moved the participants, as they tried to find answers for the future of the network.

Part of the Weekend was dedicated to renewing structures of communication between the UEM and the Network members, linked by a group of peers, to handle interests, requests and organizational matters in a representative way. The so called "structure group" for the German Region consists of three people, each with their own fields of interest:

  • Chantal Kleefmann (Ev.-altref.*), Jule Schaller (EKvW*) and Willi Kurz (SELK*).

The Regions of Africa and Asia have their own coordinators in regards of building and maintaining networks. Still, this weekend's participants have decided to think internationally in all aspects. They will stay in touch with the activities and requirements of the Asian and African member churches.

To do that, young people from these churches will proactively stay in touch with the Network:

  • Melina Manase Nkongoki (ELCT-KAD*) and John Donald Mziray (ELCT-NED*) from Tanzania
  • Don Mumbere Wambereki (CBCA*) and Ruth Elongu Lonkongi (CADELU*) from the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Isaac Muhayimana (EAR* Shyogwe) and Gratien Abanjyie (EAR Kigeme) from Rwanda
  • Ruben Siregar (GKPA*) and Daniel Suryo Wasono (GKJTU*) from Indonesia
  • Nisha Moratuwa Arachchige (MC-SL*) from Sri Lanka


After the weekend, Michellvin Kasenda, also a UEM volunteer, says about the gathering: “The weekend was quite exciting: We could not just meet with other volunteers and have a really good and relaxing time together, but also discuss the plans for our network. It was really a weekend by ourselves, for ourselves!”

UEM and the Young Adults are looking foreward to the next meetings on December 21st in Frankfurt am Main (Germany), and on January 13th online via zoom. For questions, please contact Rebecca Fischer:


*ev-altref. = evangelisch-altreformierte Kirche (Evangelical old reformed church in Germany), not a UEM member church

*EKvW = Evangelische Kirche von Westfalen (Evangelical Church in Westphalia)

*SELK = Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche (Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany), not a UEM member church

*ELCT/KAD = Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Karagwe Diocese

*ELCT/NED = Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, North Eastern Diocese

*CBCA = Communauté Baptiste au Centre de l'Afrique (Baptist Community in the Center of Africa)

*CADELU = Communauté Association des Églises évangéliques de la Lulonga (Community of the Protestant Congregations at the Lulonga)

*EAR = Église Anglicane du Rwanda (Anglican Church in Rwanda)

*GKPA = Gereja Kristen Protestan Angkola (Christian-Protestant Church of the Angkola)

*GKJTU = Gereja Kristen Jawa Tengah Utara (Christian Church of North Central Java)

*MC-SL = Methodist Church of Sri Lanka

*GKPA = Gereja Kristen Protestan Angkola (Christlich-protestantische Kirche der Angkola)

*GKJTU = Gereja Kristen Jawa Tengah Utara (Christliche Kirche von Nord-Mittel-Java)

*MC-SL = Methodist Church of Sri Lanka (Methodistische Kirche in Sri Lanka)


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