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UEM Global Lecture „Erosion of religious freedom“

They discussed religious freedom: (from left, top row) Andar Parlindungan, Sheikh Abdullah Talib, Binsar Pakpahan; (from left, bottom row) Reihan Aresmouk and Jochen Motte; © Photo: UEM

The UEM organises workshops and international conferences to empower people worldwide to live together peacefully among religions.

Reihan Aresmouk, Muslim student from Wuppertal, Dr. Binsar Pakpahan, Christian theologian from Indonesia and Sheikh Abdullah Talib, Muslim scholar from Zanzibar, spoke at a "UEM Global Lecture" about increasing religious discrimination as well as their personal experiences on this topic. The focus was on relations between Muslim and Christian communities. Discrimination against the Muslim minority in Germany is caused, among other things, by the generalisation of all Muslims in connection with Islamist terrorism. In Indonesia, the freedom of the Christian minority to worship is restricted by both laws and attacks by fundamentalist groups. In Zanzibar, where the majority of the people are Muslim, the Christian minority is given preferential treatment by the Tanzanian government in many cases. This can lead to tensions.

Dr Jochen Motte, Head of the Department for Peace, Justice and Integrity of Creation of the UEM, gave an overview of the situation worldwide. He reported on the commitment of the UEM to a lively dialogue, which is essential for peaceful coexistence in many places. For many member churches of the UEM, inter-religious dialogue as well as support for religious minorities through empowerment and legal advice are of great importance.

Around 120 people from Asia, Africa and Europe attended the 90-minute virtual event. Dr Andar Parlindungan, Head of the Department for Training and Empowerment of the UEM, concluded the meeting by saying: "The UEM creates spaces for inter-religious dialogue. Religions have the potential to work together to co-create a peaceful and harmonious world."



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