"We can't prepare at all: Things always turn out differently anyway!" is how UEM volunteer Emma describes her attitude shortly before leaving Germany for Indonesia. Many international volunteers feel the same way as Emma at the beginning of their year: the preparation days were intensive and often overflowing with information - but in the end, no amount of preparation can match the experience of voluntary service.
At the end of August, the South-South and North-South volunteers of the UEM arrived at their placement sites in the Asian and African member churches. Here they begin their activities and their familiarisation with the language and culture of a context they have not known before. They learn to put their own views into perspective and to look at things from other points of view. And they experience themselves as part of a worldwide community in which - despite and with all the challenges - they are welcomed and belong.
The South-North volunteers are about to start their intermediate seminar in Germany, because here the rhythm is the other way round: Their voluntary service begins and ends in March every year.
We are happy that our volunteers were able to start their service well and wish them all the best and God's blessing for the year ahead.
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