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Working in Church – Getting Old in Church?

Church leaders discussed... and strategic aspects. Photos by: ELCT/ECD

"This meeting is undoubtedly a unique opportunity to share different expertise and experiences in our shared mission. We are here because the question of effective strategies for a secure and happy retirement is one that concerns us all and is close to all our hearts," said Bishop Dr Alex Gehaz Malasusa, head of the ELCT/ECD*.

Until 20 January, 15 leaders of African member churches of the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) are meeting in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, to discuss the challenges facing church ministers in African countries as they approach retirement. The five-day workshop is being hosted by the ELCT/ECD.


Retirement can be a major challenge: socially and spiritually for pastors and other church employees who have identified with their work throughout their lives. Financially for the churches as organisations that have to budget with money that is not always available in sufficient amounts.

Church financial planning is an important topic in all three regions of the UEM. In the Africa region, the leaders of all 15 member churches have now met to discuss the topic. UEM was represented by: Timo Pauler, UEM Executive Secretary Finance and Administration; Rev Dr Andar Parlindungan, General Secretary-elect (in office from March 2024) and Rev Dr John Wesley Kabango, Head of the Africa and Germany Departments.

Rev. Kabango summarized the outcome of the meeting like this: "Retirement is a must and pension should be a must, not an option. The best person to prepare for retirement is the church and employees together, and the best time to start is when you start working."


*ELCT/ECD = Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Eastern Coastal Diocese


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