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Youth Climate Action Day: Young people in Rwanda become active for the climate

They stand up for a better climate and a healthy environment; Photos: © Marcel Sebahire/UEM

Dr Jered Kalimba, Bishop of the Shyogwe Diocese, helped the young people with the tree planting.

Over 150 young people from the Shyogwe Diocese of the Anglican Church in Rwanda actively participated in the Youth Climate Action Day on 13 January 2022. They planted around 1,500 trees in the Muhanga district. After planting the trees, the young people were informed about measures to protect the environment and climate. For example, the head of the Interdiocesan Rural Development Service (RDIS), Pastor Ntarindwa Viateur, explained to the young people the importance of environmental protection and the serious consequences that will befall the entire planet if the environment and climate continue to be insufficiently protected.

Dr Jered Kalimba, the Bishop of the Shyogwe Diocese of the Anglican Church, addressed the youth and said, "We must care for all of creation as we care for ourselves. Plants are as sensitive as we are." Bishop Kalimba went on to explain that we should treat plants with the knowledge that they are sensitive and need protection just as we do.

The event was hosted by the head of the education and youth department of the Shyogwe diocese, Marcel Sebahire. He thanked the actors of the day, the partners of the diocese and the young people for making this day so colourful. And he challenged the young people to practice what they have knoe learned and to share their commitment to a better climate and a healthy environment with their colleagues.

In 2011, the Westphalian Church, together with the UEM, launched the Youth Climate Action Day. Originally it was limited to Germany. One year later, young people all over the world became active for the climate. Today, this day is a worldwide movement of young people who campaign for climate and environmental protection: They plant trees, sell second-hand goods, upcycle things that others throw away, give radio interviews or make music.

Ideas for actions and suggestions for the Youth Climate Action Day can be found here:



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