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Human Rights Action 2024

A human being holds on to a heart with his hands to escape the barrier wire. This motif was already featured on the poster for the UEM human rights campaign in 2023. There, the victim of injustice cried out to God with words from Psalm 31:16: "Save me from the hand of my enemies and from those who persecute me!" This year, we are continuing the human rights campaign and asking once again how victims of severe human rights violations can be protected and supported. We have modified the poster for this purpose. People are still reaching out for the heart that will carry them out of the barriers, hoping for rescue and justice. This time, however, the Bible verse on the poster is not addressed to God, but to us humans. God calls us through the prophet Isaiah: "Keep what is Right and do Justice!" (Isaiah 56:1)

In other words: "Stand by all those whose rights are broken and disregarded! Exhort your state and those in power to secure and uphold justice and righteousness for all people! "

As a communion of churches, we see it as our duty to stand by people who have been victims of injustice and violence. Therefore, we support human rights projects and ask for your support.

We ask you to keep alive in your churches and congregations the awareness of why it is today more urgent than ever that we as Christians, following Jesus, stand up for law and justice, for human rights worldwide and in our own country.

You can donate online here.

If you are interested in further posters, postcards or brochures, you can download them (see right column) or order a print copy from us jpic[at]


Visit us on our social media channels at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
Organize initiatives against discrimination and exclusion or take part in them yourself!
Comment on our articles and get the conversation started!

Contact for the Asia Region

Photo: private
Irma Simanjuntak
Advocacy Officer Asia
Jl. Pdt. J. Wismar Saragih Bane, Kec. Siantar Utara Kota Pematangsiantar (101)
21142 North Sumatera

Contact for the African Region

photo: R. Hedtmann/UEM
Rev. Prof. Dr. Jean-Bosco Kambale Kahongya
Advocacy Officer Africa
Luther House, Second floor Sokoine Drive PO Box 75240

Contact for the German Region

photo: A. Jäger/UEM
Rev. Dr. Jochen Motte
JPIC Officer Germany
Rudolfstr. 137
42285 Wuppertal
+49 202 89004-168

Your donation by bank transfer:

UEM Asia - Bank BNI - account# 0128002447 - Swift code: BNINIDJAMDN

UEM Africa - CRDB BANK PLC - branch: 3319 - account# 0250299692300 - Swift code: CORUTZTZ

Thank you & be blessed!


IBAN: DE45 3506 0190 0009 0909 08






