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  • Tell about our biblical call

    When we speak of our biblical mission, we speak not of some tradition or other, but of the source and foundation of all of our work.

UEM's mission theology

Mission theology is of major importance for UEM. In many lectures, essays and books we discuss this topic. Once a year a theologian from Africa or Asia comes to Germany to give new impulses on mission by holding lectures in German universities and institutions. Contact us with your questions about mission theology.

"Moved by the Spirit - Called to Transformation"

More than 900 delegates, observers and guests from all parts of the world met from 8 to 13 March 2018 at the World Mission and Evangelism Conference in Arusha, Tanzania, hosted by the World Council of Churches (WCC). Under the motto "Moved by the Spirit - Called to Transformation", Christians from Protestant, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Evangelical and Pentecostal churches sought together ways to live discipleship today.

During the conference in Arusha the online edition of the book "Mission still possible? Global Perspectives on Mission and Mission Theology" was presented. It contains articles on the current challenges in missionary action by authors from the UEM member churches in Africa, Asia and Germany. They had met in 2016 on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the international UEM at a mission conference in the Philippines.

The Ministry of Healing and Deliverance in the Context of UEM

Workshop held in Kibuye/Rwanda, 5-9 March 2020

From 5-9 March 2020, seventeen participants representing eight African and three Asian UEM member churches met with the UEM Executive Secretary for Evangelism to evaluate the work on the ministry of healing and deliverance that was done in and through UEM since 2012. After reporting about developments in their respective churches, the participants decided to discuss three issues in more depth, and developed the following document.

Download Closing Document of the Workshop

Deliverance: An International Study and Discussion Process of UEM

In 2011, UEM began its international study and discussion process on the beliefs in ancestor spirits, demons and witchcraft as well as in the ministry of deliverance. This process mainly involves the African and Asian member churches of UEM.

In 2012, the Africa and Asia Regions organized international think tanks which drew up theological foundations and pastoral guidelines for dealing with these phenomena. It was recommended that all UEM member churches should take these beliefs seriously and develop appropriate ministries of deliverance within their own structures.


Theological Foundations Africa

Pastoral Guidelines Africa

Theological Basis Asia

Pastoral Guidelines Asia

In March 2014, the Evangelical Church of Cameroon decided to make the “ministry of healing and exorcism” an official part of its pastoral ministry. With this regard, it published a foundational document.


EEC-Document: French original

EEC-Document: English translation

Several other UEM member churches in Africa and Asia have since begun to develop their own practices of deliverance.

In October 2014, UEM, in cooperation with the Protestant University Wuppertal/Bethel, organized an international, academic conference on “Witchcraft, Demons and Deliverance.” The conference papers have been published as a book.

After this conference, theological teachers from Africa and Asia met to develop a curriculum and recommendations for dealing with these issues in theological education.


Draft Curriculum


In October 2016, a further think tank was organized in Goma/DR Congo, entitled “Trauma Healing and Deliverance.” It brought together church workers active in the deliverance ministry with mental health professionals. The participants recommended, among others, the development of a curriculum to further train prayer groups active in deliverance within the member churches. Such trainings have been held on a large scale within the Anglican Church in Rwanda and will be evaluated in September 2017.


Final Document of the Think Tank on Trauma Healing and Deliverance



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