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Alliance Mahoro from Rwanda: My kiosk brings me income and respect

As a young single mother, I was marginalized in my village. I felt alone and could barely make a living for myself and my child without a job in times where food is becoming more and more expensive. My church, The Anglican Church in Rwanda (EAR),  supported me. I was able to attend a training where I learned how to set up a business, bookkeeping, purchasing and stock keeping. In March, I opened my kiosk. It is doing well and people like to buy from me. Since I started earning my own money, my son and I are doing much better.

Michel Dassi from Cameroon: I care for clean drinking water

I finished school three years ago. My family grows cocoa and coffee. The land is not enough to feed my three siblings and me permanently. My father showed me how to form bricks from clay and build walls when I was a child. In my congregation in the Evangelical Church of Cameroon (EEC), I was trained as a mason. Now I build water tanks for the church. The church is planning tanks for many villages. My future is secure and I'm happy that families are getting clean drinking water with my help.

Jenny Ginting from Indonesia: I am dreaming of a little café

I live in a village near Lake Toba. After school, I wanted to become a nurse, but there are hardly any training places. Now I help my family on the coffee plantation. During the service, our pastor from the Simalungun Christian Protestant Church in Indonesia (GKPS) told us about a training program for unemployed young people. I was lucky and joined it. Now I am learning how to run a café and serve guests. More and more tourists are coming to Lake Toba. I dream of opening a café by the lake with a friend. We want to offer coffee specialties from Sumatra. For the start-up capital, I pay 1,000 rupees a month into my savings group. Soon I want to buy a coffee machine, tables and chairs.

photo: UEM
Terri-Lynn Smith
Project Officer and Fundraising Officer
Jl. Pdt. J. Wismar Saragih, Bane, Kec. Siantar Utara, Kota Pematangsiantar, 21142 North Sumatra, Indonesia

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