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Our Commitment for Human Rights

Since its internationalization in 1993, the United Evangelical Mission has been committed to justice, peace and the integrity of creation. The book series "For Human Rights" documents this work and provides insights into the various challenges member churches have faced in recent decades. The texts show both concrete human rights concerns at the local level in Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as common concerns of people worldwide.

Building Inclusive Communities

Jochen Motte/Andar Parlindungan/Sabine Hübner (Hg.), Building Inclusive Communities. How Can Churches Fight against Discrimination, Exclusion and Violence? (For human rights 22), Solingen: foedus-verlag 2022

Peace among the People

Jochen Motte/Theodor Rathgeber (Hg.), Peace among the People. Interreligious Action for Peace and Inclusive Communities. Documentation of the second International and Interfaith Conference on Peace and Inclusive Communities Zanzibar, Tanzania, September 2019 (For human rights 21), Solingen: foedus-verlag 2020

Kairos for Creation. Confessing Hope for the Earth

Jochen Motte/Louk Adrianos u.a. (Hg.), Kairos for Creation. Confessing Hope for the Earth. The Wuppertal Call – Contributions and Recommendations from an International Conference on Eco_Theology and Ethics of Sustainability (For human rights 20), Solingen: foedus-verlag 2019

Peace among the People. Interreligious Action for Peace and Inclusive Communities.

Jochen Motte/Theodor Rathgeber (Hg.), Peace among the People. Interreligious Action for Peace and Inclusive Communities. Documentation of the International and Interfaith Conference on Peace and Inclusive Communities Wuppertal, Germany, 13-16 July 2017 (For human rights 19), Solingen: foedus-verlag 2018

"Mission still possible?" Global Perspectives on Mission Theology.

Jochen Motte /Andar Parlindungan (Hg.), “Mission still possible?” Global Perspectives on Mission Theology. Contributions to a Conference of the United Evangelical Mission 20 Years after Internationalization. Dumaguete, Philippines, June 26th – June 30th, 2016 (For human rights 18), Solingen: foedus-verlag 2017

Inclusive Communities and the Churches – Realities, Challenges and Visions.

Jochen Motte/Theodor Rathgeber (Hg.), Inclusive Communities and the Churches – Realities, Challenges and Visions. Documentation of the UEM International Conference in Stellenbosch, South Africa, November 2014 (For human rights 17/2), Solingen: foedus-verlag 2016

Menschenrechte – Immer noch eine Aufgabe für die Kirche!

Jochen Motte (Hg.), Menschenrechte – Immer noch eine Aufgabe für die Kirche! Dokumentation einer Tagung der Plattform Menschenrechte am 26./27. April 2012 (For human rights 17/1), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2013

Peace with the Earth. Documentation of the UEM International team Visits to Papua, and Sumatra

Jochen Motte/Theodor Rathgeber), Peace with the Earth. Documentation of the UEM International team Visits to Papua, and Sumatra, Indonesia, May 7 – 13, 2012 (For human rights 16), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2012

Religion(s) - Freiheit – Menschenrechte

Jochen Motte/Peter Ohligschläger, Uwe Trittmann (Hg.), Religion(s) - Freiheit – Menschenrechte. Dokumentation einer Tagung der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen und der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission vom 8. – 12. März 2010 (For human rights 15), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2010

Think BIG. Inputs and Reflections on Social Justice and the Basic Income Grant

Jochen Motte/Theodor Rathgeber/Angelika Veddeler (Hg.), Think BIG. Inputs and Reflections on Social Justice and the Basic Income Grant (For human rights 13/14), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2010

Klima der Gerechtigkeit. Ausstellungs-Katalog

Jochen Motte/Frank Kürschner-Pelkmann (Hg.), Klima der Gerechtigkeit. Ausstellungs-Katalog (For human rights 13), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2008

Challenges to the Churches in a Changing World

Jochen Motte/Thomas Sandner (Hg.), Challenges to the Churches in a Changing World. Texts from the 4th International Consultation in Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation - Batam / Indonesia, February 2008 (For human rights 12), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2008

Kirche und Globalisierung

Jochen Motte (Hg.), Kirche und Globalisierung. Dokumentation einer Strategietagung am 13./14. März 2007 in der Evangelischen Akademie Iserlohn (For human rights 11), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2008

Autonomy for Papua – Progress and Failures in Implementing Special Autonomy.

Theodor Rathgeber (Hg.), Autonomy for Papua – Progress and Failures in Implementing Special Autonomy. Documentation of a consultation of the United Evangelical Mission, the West Papua Network and Watch Indonesia (For human rights 10), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2007

Wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte in West-Papua.

Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland (Hg.), Wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Rechte in West-Papua. Soziale Realität und politische Perspektiven (For human rights 7/2), Hannover: foedus-verlag 2006

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in West-Papua

Evangelical Church in the Rhineland (eds.), Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in West-Papua. A Study on Social reality and Political Perspectives (For human rights 7/1), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2005

100th anniversary of the beginning of the colonial war of liberation in Namibia.

Jochen Motte (ed.), 100th anniversary of the beginning of the colonial war of liberation in Namibia. Contributions to a ceremony of commemoration in January 2004 – Catalogue of the exhibition „Remember Namibia!“ (For human rights 6/2), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2005

100 Jahre Beginn des Antikolonialen Befreiungskrieges in Namibia

Jochen Motte (Hg.), 100 Jahre Beginn des Antikolonialen Befreiungskrieges in Namibia. Beiträge zu einer Gedenkveranstaltung im Januar 2004 – Katalog zur Ausstellung „Erinnert Namibia!" (For human rights 6/1), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2004

Globalisation and Violence – A Challenge to the Churches?

Jochen Motte/Thomas Sandner (Hg.), Globalisation and Violence – A Challenge to the Churches? Contributions to a Consultation of the United Evangelical Mission (For human rights 5), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2004

Gewalt erkennen – Gewalt überwinden.

Jochen Motte/Michael Klessmann (Hg.), Gewalt erkennen – Gewalt überwinden. Beiträge zu einem Symposium der Kirchlichen Hochschule Wuppertal und der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission (For human rights 4), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2002

Landrecht. Perspektiven der Konfliktvermeidung im Südlichen Afrika

Jochen Motte/Wolfgang Apelt (Hg.), Landrecht. Perspektiven der Konfliktvermeidung im Südlichen Afrika. Ein Symposium der Archiv- und Museumsstiftung Wuppertal in Zusammenarbeit mit der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission (For human rights 3), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2002

Justice and Reconciliation. Contributions to a Workshop on Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation

Jochen Motte/ Thomas Sandner (Hg.), Justice and Reconciliation. Contributions to a Workshop on Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (For human rights 2), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 2000

„Schaffet Recht und Gerechtigkeit“. 50 Jahre Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte

Jochen Motte/Martin Breidert (Hg.)‚ „Schaffet Recht und Gerechtigkeit“. 50 Jahre Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte. Beiträge zu einem Symposium der Kirchlichen Hochschule Wuppertal und der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission (For human rights 1), Wuppertal: foedus-verlag 1999

30 Years for Human Rights!

More than 30 years ago, the United Evangelical Mission defined the joint advocacy of justice, peace and the integrity of creation as one of the central commitments of its joint missionary activity in its constitution and implemented it as part of its own program on December 1, 1993. The aim was and still is to network the member churches of the UEM and to support them in their efforts to build solidarity and advocacy for all those affected by war, injustice and violence. 
On the occasion of 30 years of "Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation", the UEM is publishing a roadmap to date with core concerns and activities.

Download here!

In case of any question, please contact:

photo: A. Jäger/UEM
Rev. Dr. Jochen Motte
Exec. Secr. JPIC (currently on sabbatical)
Rudolfstr. 137
42285 Wuppertal
+49 202 89004-168
photo: UEM
Sabine Hübner
Teamleader Regional Service
Rudolfstr. 137
42285 Wuppertal
+49 202 89004-157
Photo: private
Irma Simanjuntak
Advocacy Consultant Asia
Jl. Pdt. J. Wismar Saragih Bane, Kec. Siantar Utara Kota Pematangsiantar (101)
21142 North Sumatera
photo: R. Hedtmann/UEM
Rev. Prof. Dr. Jean-Bosco Kambale Kahongya
Advocacy Consultant Africa
Luther House, Second floor Sokoine Drive PO Box 75240


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