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"Do you understand what you read?"

Baraka Lwakatare, responsible for the acquisition of third-party funds of UEM, at a workshop for project leaders of North Sumatra member churches at the headquarters of the HKI church in Sumatra/Indonesia. (Photo: T. Pauler/UEM)

Philip asks this of the Ethiopian who came to Israel because he is interested in Judaism. So it is written in Acts 8 and is worth reading. It is a wonderful biblical example of how "Global Learning in an Ecumenical Perspective" works.

Being open, learning together, bringing in your own perspective, listening and coming home changed

Today is the "International Day of Education", which was established by the UN to draw attention to the role and importance of education in building peace and equal opportunities as part of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development.

Education is actually at the heart of almost everything we do at UEM. In numerous projects where we as an international community support our members in running educational institutions. Often for people with disadvantages. Schools for the blind, institutions for children with disabilities or secondary schools, where children of different religions and social backgrounds are given an educational opportunity.

But we are also very active in the area of further education. We offer over 50 educational programs in Africa, Asia and Europe. These range from youth education programs on everyday issues to large conferences where leaders of different religions meet to discuss how peaceful co-existence is possible, or to treasurer workshops where financial managers can exchange ideas on the careful use of resources.

In this way we reach thousands of people every year.

However, the people who have participated in the world come back changed. They have gone a long way with other people. They have experienced a change of perspective and can work at home in their society again.

Please support us so that we can continue to do this successful and important work!

Timo Pauler (Executive Secretary for Finance & Administration of UEM)


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