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Stop the Escalation of Violence

CBCA is building a first infrastructure in the camps around the city, but at the same time lobbying for long term solutions. Photo by: CBCA

Fighting between the rebel group M23 and the Congolese armed forces has been taking place in the provinces of Kivu and North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for several years. The M23 is supported by the Rwandan government, but the conflict is financially based on digitalisation: according to estimates, 80% of the world's coltan lies in the province of Kivu. Coltan is needed for every computer, mobile phone and digital camera. The conflict in the region is a conflict about the ability to sell this coltan - with dramatic humanitarian consequences.

This situation is an immense challenge also for UEM member church CBCA*: Instead of being able to focus on pastoral care and other church services, the CBCA has been busy for years providing accommodation for fleeing people and organising their basic needs. The UEM therefore supports the work of the CBCA financially, in prayer and with solidarity visits.

The German Ecumenical Network for Central Africa (ÖNZ), of which the UEM is a member, has published a statement on the occasion of the recent escalation, which, among other things, addresses concrete demands to the German government. The statement in German Language can be viewed here.

On 27 February 2024, the President of the CBCA, Rev. Dr Jonathan Kavusa Kivatsi, addressed the worldwide UEM Communion with a call to prayer. You can access this Prayer Alert here.

If you would like to support the work of the CBCA and the assistance of the UEM financially, you can find our online donation page here. Thank you for your support.


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